Friday, June 7, 2013

26 Acts of Kindness: #5

Name: Angelica
State: FL

"So I work in a restaurant. The other night I was working and I had two people at my takeout counter. One was a lady that had just paid for her food and the other was a gentleman that had raggedy clothing. And it was obvious this gentleman did not have a home or a job. He approached my counter and asked me how much breadsticks would be. He then pulled out a $10 bill, and I could just tell he was clinging to the money as if he really did not want to give it up. The lady I had just helped watched on, curious as to what I was about to say. I then told the gentlemen not to worry, that I would gladly give him some breadsticks. The lady looked on and then walked over and said she didn't need her breadsticks, that he could have hers as well. I grabbed him a drink to-go as well. The gracious look on his face was incredibly priceless. I've never felt so good about doing something so wonderful yet so simple. I will never forget the woman or the gentleman. I hope one day he can pass on the good deed as well."

Thank you for sharing, Angelica!

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