Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Resolve to be tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged,
sympathetic with the striving,
and tolerant with the weak and wrong.
Sometime in your life,
you will have been all of these."

Buddha/Siddhartha Gautama

Friday, December 23, 2011

"Become more aware of the love that is inside you."
Deepak Chopra
(Source: Embrace, edited by RoseAlma)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Music Monday!

Today's beautiful music:

"You must live in the present, 
launch yourself on every wave, 
find your eternity in each moment."

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), 
American writer and transcendentalist
(Source: LivefortheMoment, edited by RoseAlma)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Every moment matters.

Today I learned that a lovely woman from my childhood, a family friend who worked in the front office at my elementary school, had an unfortunate accident a few months back. The accident itself was seemingly small, but recovering from it grew into more health issues. And unfortunately, she is now facing the possibility of life in a nursing home. A kind and loving woman in her fifties, who only a few months ago seemed in good health. All she wants is to return home, and her sweet husband can't bear to tell her that she might never go back.

Though my health condition is quite different, I have felt the longing in her heart. I have ached for home and felt the fear that I might never see it again. And so for her, I weep. For her husband, and her daughters. For all those who love her. I weep for all these beautiful souls.

But there is hope. This beautiful woman, even with this likely fate, can still find love and happiness in life if she keeps her heart open to it. Love is everywhere, even in the darkest places.

And we, the witnesses of this harrowing story, have much to learn from it. We must always cherish the moment, give love freely, hold our loved ones near, say I love you, and most of all... mean it.

Mean every moment. Because every single moment matters.

Much peace and love to you, my beautiful ones. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Feel the freedom that comes 
when you are at peace with yourself. 
Feel the blessings that come when you 
open your heart to everyone and everything. 
Feel the ease of being playful, the excitement of
being alive, the joy of embracing your life. 
When you give yourself away to love, 
you get the whole world back in return. 
When you give yourself away to love, 
every day becomes a wondrous celebration."
Philip M. Berk, writer and holistic healer
(Source: NicolaKaresh, edited by RoseAlma)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Music Monday!

This song is absolutely beautiful. Please listen, enjoy, and feel the infinite love. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Poetry Love

Here is an excerpt from a poem written by one of my favorite poets, the talented Pablo Neruda.
It illustrates the truest, most beautiful form of love. This exists, and I wish it for you all. 

                         I love you as the plant that doesn't bloom but carries 
                         the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself, 
                         and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose
                         from the earth lives dimly in my body.

                         I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
                         I love you directly without problems or pride:
                         I love you like this because I don't know any other way to love,
                         except in this form in which I am not nor are you,
                         so close that your hand upon my chest is mine,
                         so close that your eyes close with my dreams.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday

(Source: aBeautifulRippleEffect, edited by RoseAlma)
Today I am thankful for the smiles of Target strangers.

I had my first outing in a few days. Went to our local Target with my parents. It must have been a while since I've been around so many people. Because for the first time in over a year, I was aware of lots of stares from people. I'm fairly certain (though it is only an educated guess) that what draws the attention of so many is the fact that a twenty-something girl is walking around on oxygen. Usually, if people of the general public see anyone on oxygen, it is the elderly. So seeing someone young with it makes them wonder. That is what I've come to surmise anyway. 

I adjusted to these routine stares long ago, when I first started wearing oxygen regularly (about a year ago). I was to the point that I didn't notice anymore; it had become white noise. But today it felt almost like it did when I wore the cannulas in a store for the first time ever: so many pairs of eyes, numerous double-takes, people looking with their mouths hanging open. Nothing ill-intentioned or outright rude. Just obviously confused and very much curious. With all these cold, blank stares, it makes quite a difference when a kind stranger breaks that glass case around me with a warm smile. I received a few of those smiles today, and each one touched my heart. Made me human again. And for that, I am so very thankful.

Beautiful people, what warms your heart? What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"Sorrow prepares you for joy. 
It violently sweeps everything out of your house,
so that new joy can find space to enter.
It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart,
so that fresh green leaves can grow in their place.
It pulls up the rotten roots,
so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow.
Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart,
far better things will take their place."
Rumi (1207-1273)
(Source: MaWanPark, edited by RoseAlma)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Music Monday!

We missed a Music Monday, and I am sorry for that.
Today, however, we have a beautiful tune. Enjoy. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

"Life is giving, not getting."
Joseph Fort Newton (1880-1950), Baptist minister and masonic author

(Source: ChopraCenter, edited by RoseAlma)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday

(Source: Oracle, edited by RoseAlma)

Today I am thankful for creativity.

As I have grown, I've come to learn that art and the ability to create are central to my life. I adore art and artists, of all mediums, from all over. Artistic expression is beautiful and enlivening, following no rules or boundaries. Art itself is so genuine, emotional, and true. And that is what draws me to it.

Whenever my health is in decline though, my energy and drive to create unfortunately falls. Each time I experience an exacerbation, I notice my creative mind shutting down; and all I have energy to focus on is physically getting through the day. I unconsciously switch into survival mode, like human beings do: if the body can't meet its basic needs (in my case, getting enough air to breathe), it won't be well enough to perform higher cognitive functions (like creating art).

Because of this pattern I have noticed, it's always a beautiful and welcome sign when I begin to feel artistically inspired again. And for me, yesterday and today have been my new beginning. I've been excitedly "running" around thinking up this and that. Little gifts for my loved ones and little decorative projects for my new downstairs room - as well as refreshing my list of larger, longterm creative projects I've been aiming to do.
It's beautiful to feel inspired again. I am so very grateful. 

Now truly, dear readers... what are you thankful for?
I (and we) would love to hear from you.
"Your body is nothing less than a universe in motion."
Deepak Chopra (1946-), medical doctor and spiritual writer

(Source: JamesKitchens, edited by RoseAlma)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Love is without rules.

Love is a force without labels, boundaries, or rules.
We all feel it, we all have a right to it. Let us embrace love. Always.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

"Love is Coursing Through My Veins"

(Source: LoveisCoursing, edited by RoseAlma)

"Love came and became like blood in my body.
It rushed through my veins and encircled my heart.
Everywhere I looked, I saw one thing.

Love's name written on my limbs,
on my left palm, on my forehead,
on the back of my neck, on my right big toe...

Oh, my friend,
all that you see of me is just a shell,
and the rest belongs to love."

Rumi (1207-1273)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday

(Source: small handfuls, edited by RoseAlma)
Today I am thankful for home.
Home in many beautiful ways:
  • home as in out of the hospital and in my parents' house again. In my bed and around my three incredibly loving younger brothers.
  • home in my beautiful new downstairs bedroom that my family built for me while I was away. No more restless nights on the living room couch because I'm too weak to walk up the stairs to my room. And their love is infused in every stroke of pink paint, every carefully-hung decoration, every thoughtful placement of furniture.
  • home in my beautiful fiance who surprised me by appearing at the hospital, having come all the way from Florida. And who is now here in Tennessee to stay with me always.
  • home in the smiles and laughter of all my loved ones, including my nine siblings. Such rare and beautiful times make for memories that keep me strong when the storm clouds come. 
  • home in the love of my parents, without whom I would not make it through. They are my foundation, my protection, my strength, my heart. And all love in me springs from the love in them.
I am most grateful, today and everyday, for all these beautiful feelings of home.

Dear people, what are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"All the powers in the universe are already ours. 
It is we who have put our hands before our eyes 
and cry that it is dark."

Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), Hindu spiritual leader

(Source: goodreads, edited by RoseAlma)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Music Monday!

It's a tinge late, but I deliver you our musical entertainment for this Monday. My apologies for the delay, but I have been a bit behind on things... I was finally released from the hospital today, after being in for three weeks and one day! And what a beautiful day to be free and alive. In honor of this beautiful day and this beautiful life and this beautiful love we all share, here is a sweet little love-filled tune. Peace and love, my darling people. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Peace can start with just one heart."
Holly Near (1949-), American teacher and songwriter

Saturday, November 19, 2011

"No one is born hating another person 
because of the color of his skin, 
or his background, or his religion. 
People must learn to hate, 
and if they can learn to hate, 
they can be taught to love. 
For love comes more naturally 
to the human heart."

Nelson Mandela (1918-), 
South African president

Friday, November 18, 2011

"Cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings."

Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BC),
the Buddha, Indian spiritual teacher

(Source: MettaRefuge, edited by RoseAlma)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

(Source: WilliamPowers, edited by RoseAlma)

Today I am thankful for a fair few beautiful things:
  • The colorful fall leaves that my mother sprinkled atop my hospital bed after returning from home. They came from our beautiful trees in the front yard, and she knows how I yearned to see them turn. They range in color, from burnt orange to lemony yellow to rich crimson red. So beautiful. 
  • The homemade pasta lunch delivered to me by surprise, from my oldest darling sister. She made me two versions to suite my veggie/vegan needs: one with cheese and one without. Her smiles, warmth, and love made it all that much richer.
  • The irresistible and endearingly drooly smile of my beautiful four-month-old niece. Her sweet little face melts my heart. One look in those eyes, and my worries are gone. So gentle and pure.
  • The softness and warmth of a new pink pashmina on a cold November day.
  • The ability and endurance to walk 1,100 steps in six minutes at a strong pace. I am beginning to feel like me again, and I'm cherishing that feeling for the moment.
  • The overflowing, overwhelming feeling of love that overcame me this evening. The world is turning, and we are all together in it. Love will always carry us on. 

What are you thankful for, my beautiful ones? 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Alma Awakens.

Dear beautiful ones,

I would like to share a little something with you. It is a personal creation of mine, and it is fueled purely by love. Please listen closely, and enjoy. Infinite peace and love. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

From the readers...

A quote shared by a beautiful reader named Lindsay:

"Have a heart that never hardens, 
a temper that never tires, 
a touch that never hurts."

Charles Dickens (1812-1870), 
English novelist of the Victorian period

(Photo taken and edited by RoseAlma)

Thank you for sharing, Lindsay. Everyone feel free to do the same. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

"Soft is stronger than hard, water than rock, love than violence."
Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), German-born writer and painter

(Source: jessicatorres, edited by RoseAlma)

Music Monday!

Today we listen to a song full of nostalgia. And in this feeling of warmth and remembering,
there is so much love to be had. Enjoy, sweet people.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Never lost. Never alone.

Hello sweet readers. 

This particular entry today is for a dear Anonymous reader who commented a bit go, on our first quote posting. Normally, I would respond to comments on posts in the comment box of that post. But I thought that this one in particular could fit right in here too. So let us begin...

Our Anonymous friend writes:
"I sometimes feel lost and like I'm drowning... not sure how to cope sometimes."
Dear Anonymous being, We feel lost only when we forget that we are connected to everyone and everything. We are never apart from the world around us. We are all one. One with everything that is. And if we can always remember this connectivity, seeing a piece of ourselves in everything and everything in ourselves, then we will know the truth... that we are NEVER alone.

It is hard to be lost when we come to realize our connection to everything.
Because we then come to see that we are only exactly where we're meant to be. Never lost.

There is, as the beautiful Beatles once said,
"Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be."
What helps us get to this place of certainty and oneness?
Love is all we need.

So remember our connection to all, and remember to live in love.
Genuinely, deeply, every moment - as much as you can.
And you will notice the drowning feeling you have dissipating.
Because when we genuinely allow ourselves to live a life of love, nothing can bring us down.

Infinite peace and love to you, beautiful Anonymous soul. 
"We have got to understand 
that they dream our dreams and we dream theirs.
We have got to understand that they are us."

Rachel Corrie (1979-2003), American peace activist

(Source: Peacemonger, edited by RoseAlma)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Loveful, Thoughtful Friday

Hello beautiful souls. 

This Friday I share with you some words and a quote from a beautiful reader named Megan. She writes:
"The Avett Brothers has always been a very special band to me, and this song in particular carries meaning. It was the first song by them that I ever heard, and it's always summed up my feelings about love. Love doesn't have to be fancy. It doesn't have to mean expensive gifts, detailed dates, or every spare minute spent together. Sometimes it's as simple as a dance in a crowd of singing people, under the stars, on a chilly October night..."
'Well, life is ever-changing,  
but I can always find a constant 
and comfort in your love.
With your heart, my soul is bound 
and as we dance I know 
that heaven will be found.'
(Swept Away by The Avett Brothers)

Megan, you bring up a beautiful and significant perspective on love. In this case, we are speaking of romantic love. But I believe this mindset could translate into our love for anyone. Love should not be about prices, gifts, extravagant dates, or grand romantic gestures. With family and friends, it shouldn't be about expensive meals or holiday gifts or the favors you do. Love, genuine love, flows effortlessly. Instead of thinking of ourselves and wondering what our loved ones can do for us, let's turn it around. Think about what we can do for the ones we love. We should always try to show our love. And in it's purest, most genuine form. Act from the heart, and only from the heart. This practice will likely fill our lives with inexplicable warmth and beauty.

Thank you so much for writing in, Megan. Your sharing has added light, insight, and love to our community. More questions and comments ahead in the coming week. I encourage all you beautiful readers to join in the love and fun; send in your questions, comments, quotes, insights, and anything else

All is welcome, all is love. Send it here:

Enjoy your weekend, sweet readers.
Take a step outside and smell the lovely air for me. 

Peace and love.
"I appeal as a human being to human beings:
Remember your humanity and forget the rest."

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), 
Welsh philosopher and activist

(Source: aRoom, edited by RoseAlma)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday

(Source: NichirenBuddhist, edited by RoseAlma)
Today I am thankful for three beautiful strangers

The first is named Joy. She is a sweet middle-aged woman with short, graying hair. Wearing glasses and earrings, she sparkles inside and out. You can tell from her eyes and her smile. Joy is part of the housekeeping staff at the University of Tennessee hospital in Knoxville. And she has been a beautiful visitor of mine for two days now. From the first moment I saw her, her positive energy and warmth was overflowing. Friendly and sweet, she shares tales about her three month old great-nephew. We only had two or three little conversations, she and I. But sweet Joy left a lasting impression on me. I am grateful for her happy, loving heart.

The second is named Rob. He is a middle-aged man with trim hair and a cap. He wears glasses, and an apron over his chest. The first time I met him, he was serious and stern. Working for the food service staff at UT hospital, he had come to take my food order for the coming day. He had difficulty accepting my vegetarian/ almost vegan diet at the start, and tried to refuse me certain foods. But after that rough introduction, each day he came back a bit sweeter. Now, without even asking, he often leaves extra treats on my tray: plate of fruit here, cup of cubed cheese there. His slow turn around surprised me. In person, he still holds up a rather serious demeanor. And he doesn't seem to care for conversation, perhaps too busy or too shy. But I sense a quiet sweetness in his actions, and it has warmed my heart. I am thankful for his little, meaningful kindnesses.

The third is named Amy. She is a lady in her twenties or thirties, with chocolate brown hair cropped about her quiet face. Fashioning her own apron, she occupies a busy counter. The java cafe in the lobby of UT hospital. Clearly a veteran barista, she handles the masses with ease. And today was my third day visiting her. I'm not one for coffee, but instead adore a rather particular chai drink. By today, she knew it by heart. The counter was busy and the people were swarming. I was in the back of the line, just hoping to buy my chai treat and avoid any germs. By the time I rolled up to the counter to order, I hadn't gotten a word out before I saw her hand reach across the counter, warm beverage in hand. "Already made it," she said with a reserved smile. And that simple act filled my heart with instant, infinite warmth.

Love is all around us. 

And everyone shows it in the little ways they can.

Beautiful ones, what are you thankful for? Please share. We all would love to read. 
"If the basic human nature was aggressive, 
we would have been born with animal claws and huge teeth. 
But ours are very short, very pretty, very weak. 
That means we are not well equipped to be aggressive beings."

Tenzin Gyatso (1935-), fourteenth Dalai Lama

(Source: Whateverhappens, edited by RoseAlma)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

a Poem: Love is ever-present.

I love to write poetry. And for many months now, my work has been evolving, welling up from a different place inside. In contrast to all my previous writing, it is now primarily about love. A slightly divergent topic or feeling may arise on occasion; but for the most part, my words are bathed in love's light. So here and there, I wish to share these poetic insights with you, my beautiful readers. 
Please have them for whatever they may be worth. 

Love is ever-present.
I am not now, nor will I ever be, unloved.
Love is around me, love is within me.
I am love.
You are not now, nor will you ever be, unloved.
Love is around you, love is within you.
You are love.
We are not now, nor will you ever be, unloved.
Love is around us, love is within us.
We are love.

Monday, November 7, 2011

"One who does not hate any creature, 
who is friendly and compassionate... 
is dear to me."

Bhagavad Gita, Hindu scripture

(Source: theHeartArtist, edited by RoseAlma)

Music Monday!

Our music today is by one of my favorite bands, and it is a song I hold very close to my heart.
Feel the love. It's pouring from their words, their melodies, and souls. And it's absolutely beautiful. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"If we have no peace, 
it is because we have forgotten 
that we belong to each other."

Mother Teresa (1910-1997), 
Catholic nun and missionary worker

(Source: JenniferGarry, edited by RoseAlma)

Beautiful Earth

Yesterday I was sitting at my hospital window, watching the sun sink down into the earth. The colors were so rich, the warmth so palpable. Rolling hills, speckled with shadowy violet trees, hugged the gold-laiden horizon. And the way the two gently met captured my heart. It made me immediately wonder, "How can people not want to protect this earth? It is so beautiful." I couldn't help the tears that followed.

Earth is our mother. Without her majestic and graceful existence, we cannot be. And yet many human beings give her no thought, no love. But no one is more deserving. If we think about it openly and objectively, it is quite simple to see that we must love the sweet earth before all else. In order to spread our love for all humanity, we first must give all the love in our hearts to the earth. For she is our home. Our beautiful, delicate home. And loving her will strengthen and enliven our love for all that is.

This video beautifully illustrates the majesty of our sweet earth. 

Do what you can for the earth. It needs our infinite love.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

"Along the way of life, 
someone must have sense enough 
and morality enough to cut off the chain of hate.
This can only be done by projecting the ethic 
of love to the center of our lives."

Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968), 
American Civil Rights leader
(Source: flaxart, edited by RoseAlma)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Loveful, Thoughtful Friday

Hello dear people. 

This Friday I will share with you what one individual wrote in. Anonymous writes:
"Dear Rosie, I feel lost and alone and as if I am drowning. I know I am loved, but struggle with the challenges that life lay ahead of me. I am not selfish, nor do I seek to complain... but I am unsure of the next step. I desire to help loved ones and grow individually, but again feel unsure."
Anonymous, I was discussing a similar subject with a dear friend a bit ago. We found through our exchange that we happened to share an overarching perspective in relation to these sorts of feelings - those of isolation, unhappiness, loneliness, and uncertainty. And here it is:

There is no such thing as 'alone'.

We are all part of each other. Everything and everyone joined. Related. Interconnected. Through our stories, through our experiences, through our struggles, joys, lives, and love: we find a oneness among us. Once you can open your eyes and your heart to this oneness, you will find that you can never truly be alone. Because the entire universe and all its beauty is always with you, always part of you.

I understand this thought may need time to process, and it may not immediately help you and your needs. But what could greatly help you, sweet Anonymous reader, is if you tried to actively focus less on your internal worries and fears about life and what may or may not happen, and instead focus on helping others and enjoying all that you can of the moment and the people and the beauty that is in front of you.

Living in the now and focusing on others are two beautiful practices that will enrich your life, and all of our lives, in unimaginable ways.

I hope you know that you are NEVER alone, dear reader.
And life is meant to be enjoyed day by day, moment for moment.
Whatever will come, will come. But we know right now, we have infinite love. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Enlightenment [is] nothing more or less 
than seeing things as they are rather than 
as we wish or believe them to be."

Steve Hagen, Buddhism Plain and Simple
Zen writer and priest

(Source: smash&peas, edited by RoseAlma)

Thankful Thursday

(Source: Dr. Akilah, edited by RoseAlma)

Today I am thankful for the sun. Having been in the hospital since very early Monday, I have not been outside and in the company of the sun for a long while. And loving nature as I do, my heart was experiencing withdrawals. I needed the warm sun, the crisp air, and the beautiful sounds of the natural world around me.
And for a few moments, I was granted that precious gift. 'Til we meet again, beautiful earth. 

I am also grateful for my incredibly beautiful parents. They're with me through it all.
And I am so very blessed to have their warmth, protection, and love.

Sweet people, what are you thankful for this week and this day?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Where do we stop and the people in this room begin... 
Where does mind and spirit begin and end, 
where does caring start and stop, 
where are the edges of intelligence 
and curiosity and love?"
Richard Bach, One (1936-)

(Source: ThroughYourBody, edited by RoseAlma)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Music Monday!

This week's musical inspiration is the lovely Zee Avi.
I recommend a sunset drive with the windows down, listening to this sweet little tune. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

"All my enemies are turning into my teachers.
Because light's blinding, no way dividing.
What's yours and mine when everything's shining?"
Alexander Ebert, "Truth" (1978-) Indie folk singer-songwriter

(Source: Rumi Days, edited by RoseAlma)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

"We're reflections, we're living mirrors of each other...
Separating me from you implies a difference that's not there."
Richard Bach, One (1936-)

(Source: Gulfsprite, edited by RoseAlma)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Loveful, Thoughtful Friday

Hello dear readers.

Today would be our Loveful, Thoughtful Friday, but sadly I did not receive any new messages this week. Let's change this in the future. I encourage every reader of this site to send in something. Questions, quotes, stories, or otherwise. There's no reason to be shy; and there's every reason to share. The more we show our love, the more people we have a chance of reaching with it.

Email it all here:

Since we have no questions to answer or stories to share, I would just like to pass on a personal, loving thought, from me to all of you beautiful people...

Do you have something that you've been wanting to do for a while but have yet to put into action? A goal or dream or desire, no matter how simple or grand? Going for a picnic in the park, learning another language, reaching out to new friends, taking time off for vacation, learning to paint, volunteering at a shelter, going abroad, visiting relatives, following your passion...

Well, whatever it may be, small or large, easy or hard: GO AFTER IT. This instant.
Trust me. I know from experience how much your life can change in a day, in a night, in just a few hours.

No more waiting, dear people. Life is NOW. Live it.

I wish you so much peace and love.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday

(Source: davidrisley, edited by RoseAlma)

This Thursday I am grateful for my oldest brother, Jason. He recently moved back up to Tennessee after living down in Florida. And for now, he is staying with us at my parents' house. Usually he keeps to himself. He's quiet and incredibly creative, always working on some new project.

The past few days, I've unexpectedly found myself in the middle of another exacerbation - a bout of sickness related to my CF. I'm on IV antibiotics through my port-a-cath. And now ordinary, everyday things have become harder than ever.

This afternoon, I was sitting and doing one of my seemingly regular breathing treatments with a vibrating therapy vest for my chest. I've done this ever since I was a child, and it is routine for me. But the past few days, ever since my lung function has dropped, doing the vest makes me feel like I am suffocating. I quickly become overheated and end up gasping for air. 

Well, this particular time with vest, Jason was the only one in the room. The moment he saw my pale, gasping face, he knew what to do. He turned on our portable standup fan and pointed it in my direction (but not at my face, because he knew that would make it hard for me to breathe too). I started crying a bit, as it was one of my toughest moments yet. Jason came over and held my hand tightly as I closed my eyes and tried to find an equilibrium. His energy and love made an immediate difference. For the rest of the treatment, instead of thinking about how scared I was or how hard it was to breathe, I thought about how much I love my brother. And what a loving heart he carries around so quietly in his chest.

I am thankful for my oldest brother Jason. My quiet, loving protector.

Beautiful ones, what are you thankful for?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"You are the soul of the soul of the universe, 
and your name is Love."
Rumi (1207-1273)

(Source: theMapisnottheTerritory, edited by RoseAlma)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

the Love around us

Hello dear beings. 

Today I want us to pause and take a moment solely for ourselves. Stop reading, working, talking, cleaning, studying, or worrying about the many intricacies of everyday life. Just take a brief step away, five minutes (or more if you feel so inclined). Read this, and then try doing as it says:

Sit down alone, in a quiet place. Close your eyes. Now think about all the love you have in your life: who or where it comes from, how it makes you feel. To start, make a mental or written list. Share it here, if you will. But after trying to identify each individual source of love and how each makes you feel, take it one step further.

Try to feel all the love that surrounds you at once.
Experience the hum of endless love in the world around you.

Love is all around you. See it, feel it, and embrace it.
Try this practice more regularly. It could do amazing things for you.

Peace and love, beautiful ones.

Monday, October 24, 2011

"Have you ever felt so at one with the world, with the universe, 
with everything that is, that you were overcome with love? 
That is reality. That is the truth... No matter what happens, 
no matter what appears to be, the only reality is love."
Richard Bach, One (1936-)

(Source: Aporia, edited by RoseAlma)

Music Monday!

I wish to welcome you to "Music Monday!" Every Monday we will enjoy some sort of love-centric tune. Sometimes upbeat, sometimes slow and contemplative; but always infused with beauty and love.

The reason: Monday can be a tough day to ease into. Especially for those trying to make the transition from weekend relaxer to weekday worker. I personally believe music can do wonders in this area of life (as well as infinite others). It lifts the spirit, puts a hop in your step, and pins a smile on your beautiful face.

So... here's our very first tune! Enjoy. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011


There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer; 
no disease that enough love will not heal; 
no door that enough love will not open; 
no gulf that enough love will not bridge; 
no wall that enough love will not throw down; 
no sin that enough love will not redeem. 

It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble, 
how hopeless the outlook, 
how muddled the tangle, 
how great the mistake: 

a sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all." 

Emmet Fox (1886-1951), 20th century spiritual leader and writer

Love, every step of the way.