Sunday, November 6, 2011

Beautiful Earth

Yesterday I was sitting at my hospital window, watching the sun sink down into the earth. The colors were so rich, the warmth so palpable. Rolling hills, speckled with shadowy violet trees, hugged the gold-laiden horizon. And the way the two gently met captured my heart. It made me immediately wonder, "How can people not want to protect this earth? It is so beautiful." I couldn't help the tears that followed.

Earth is our mother. Without her majestic and graceful existence, we cannot be. And yet many human beings give her no thought, no love. But no one is more deserving. If we think about it openly and objectively, it is quite simple to see that we must love the sweet earth before all else. In order to spread our love for all humanity, we first must give all the love in our hearts to the earth. For she is our home. Our beautiful, delicate home. And loving her will strengthen and enliven our love for all that is.

This video beautifully illustrates the majesty of our sweet earth. 

Do what you can for the earth. It needs our infinite love.

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