Sunday, November 13, 2011

"We have got to understand 
that they dream our dreams and we dream theirs.
We have got to understand that they are us."

Rachel Corrie (1979-2003), American peace activist

(Source: Peacemonger, edited by RoseAlma)

1 comment:

  1. I have been trying to remind myself each day...
    When I see someone struggling,
    when I see someone sad
    when I see someone healthier
    when I see someone alone,
    and even when I see someone showing anger...

    That I could easily be them, and they could easily be me. No one is perfect, no one is without challenges or troubles, no one is superman or superwoman, and no one is without mistakes. All we can do is try our best every day, to deal with the hurdles ahead of us and be the best version of ourselves. And above kind to each other, because you never know who could use a bit of sympathy or a smile!


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