Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday

(Source: Oracle, edited by RoseAlma)

Today I am thankful for creativity.

As I have grown, I've come to learn that art and the ability to create are central to my life. I adore art and artists, of all mediums, from all over. Artistic expression is beautiful and enlivening, following no rules or boundaries. Art itself is so genuine, emotional, and true. And that is what draws me to it.

Whenever my health is in decline though, my energy and drive to create unfortunately falls. Each time I experience an exacerbation, I notice my creative mind shutting down; and all I have energy to focus on is physically getting through the day. I unconsciously switch into survival mode, like human beings do: if the body can't meet its basic needs (in my case, getting enough air to breathe), it won't be well enough to perform higher cognitive functions (like creating art).

Because of this pattern I have noticed, it's always a beautiful and welcome sign when I begin to feel artistically inspired again. And for me, yesterday and today have been my new beginning. I've been excitedly "running" around thinking up this and that. Little gifts for my loved ones and little decorative projects for my new downstairs room - as well as refreshing my list of larger, longterm creative projects I've been aiming to do.
It's beautiful to feel inspired again. I am so very grateful. 

Now truly, dear readers... what are you thankful for?
I (and we) would love to hear from you.


  1. I am really thankful for each new day, to feel life's energy coursing through my body, and the strength to improve myself and my life!

  2. P.S. I am so happy that your creative beauty has sprung back into action. And I could not be more proud of my Rose!


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