Friday, November 30, 2012

seeking out the beauty

I confess: I have been stuck in a rut.

Having Cystic Fibrosis, this often happens when I get sick. My body can take a long time to regain strength - sometimes weeks, a month, maybe two or more. But I have noticed lately that my mind and spirit are even slower to recharge. Coming out of a two-month bout of illness, my physical energy is thankfully increasing (though slowly). But my spirit is at a standstill. Stuck between surviving and thriving.

In my most frustrating moments, I feel as though I am an animal: a free bird caged by her dependence, a dog who cannot take a step without someone toting her leash. Like a creature kept inside, breathing in the steely air and soaking up the neon sun.

(Photo by RoseAlma)
Then it occurred to me: creatures live in the wild.

Even if only for a moment. Even if draped in oxygen tubes. Creatures need to breathe the natural air. Creatures need to see the open sky. It teaches their heart to open.

So I wasted no time. Stepping outside, on our front porch: I pulled my two green oxygen tubes and slowly walked myself right out that front door, envisioning the big white wicker chair just beyond. On its cushion was a cute little yellow leaf, blown from a nearby tree. I picked it up gently and sat. Pulled my legs to my chest and cozied up. My eyes flew upward, taking in the beautiful blue sky smeared with white fluffy cloud. Wind blowing through the turning trees, bare branches dancing in the distance, leaves all over the yard.

So much beauty.

And as the feeling filled my heart, I realized my spirit was lifted.

I’m a person of nature. Being close to it brings me home in a way nothing else can. And no matter how troubled I have felt in the past, taking a moment in nature has always brought me back to my center and to humanity. But when you are sick, you often live your life from the inside looking out. And when every move is a challenge and every breath is a pain, nature can seem so far away. And I let it stay that way.

It is easy to lose touch with the things that make you come alive. To slip into the gap of routine and monotony because it seems easier. But really we are making the journey harder. And we are robbing ourselves of all of its beauty along the way.

So today, this moment, I was choosing to change.

Choosing to soak up the light and let the outside in.

I had been in such a rut because I had been going against my natural instincts. Denying a basic necessity for my mind, body, and spirit. And now I have to make a conscious effort to change for the better.

Seek out the beauty. It’s always waiting.

We just have to cross the threshold, and behold it.

It all was suddenly so clear as I sat there in the wicker chair, my heart overflowing with love. And I looked down in my hand, at the little yellow leaf twirling between my fingers. It had been waiting for me. A token for my beautiful journey. And I wondered if it knew in the spring when it bloomed that it would find its way to my hand.

Friday, October 12, 2012

learning to release

(Photo by WJ; edited by RoseAlma)
I recently wrote my first-ever online article, called The Hunt is Over, Happiness is Yours. (Featured on the wonderful writer and yoga instructor Jennifer Pastiloff's website, The Manifest-Station.) In the piece, I discuss different practices that we can do on our journey to experience the authentic happiness we have within. The first practice is that of release, or letting go. Specifically, it entails letting go anything negative in life, or that which does not positively serve us.

I received a message from a reader named Erin who said that she liked the article, but was struggling in her own life with this idea of release. She shared:
"I feel like I can't figure out how to get past the first level, the releasing, the letting go. People tell me all the time to release the pain, let it go... How do I let it go? What are those steps? I feel so stuck in sadness and grief and don't know how to let go... Can you tell me how you've released people and ideas and thoughts that don't serve you anymore?"
Dearest Erin, First allow me to say thank you. You ask such important questions, and I am so grateful you have the courage and heart to come forth with them.

In all honesty I will say, there are no simple steps to lay out for you. The pain you may be experiencing and the struggles you live through are not exactly the same as another's (because you are unique and beautiful you), and the steps to heal that pain will not be the same either. But that is okay - it is all still possible.

An important step before release is to face our pain or our sadness fully. Look it straight in the eye and see it for what it is. Examine what causes it and how it feels in all its fullness. In other words: let yourself feel whatever you need to feel. Grieving is a healthy process. And if necessary (and I encourage this), talk it over with the person or being that may be the source of such pain; and if that is not possible, then a professional.

The ultimate point is to be honest and to share the feelings that may be welling up in you. Once you share them, and share them completely, you can begin to let go. Held in, they can become a heavy weight that hangs on your mind and heart. But once shared, you are free to set those feelings down and move on to fresher and brighter ones.

Another important fact to remember is that this process never ends. We will always have struggles and pain that come in and out of our lives. Our lives are like waves or mountains: there are crests and troughs, peaks and valleys. But this fact is not meant to stress or worry you. On the contrary, it is a comfort. Because you should never be ashamed of your pain or struggles. It is natural, and it is human. But much like how we must be open and honest about our pain, we must be open and honest with our happiness. Life is never simply suffering. There is always sun behind the clouds, and there are always rainbows after the rain. (And sometimes during!) You have to open your heart to happiness. Because it is always there waiting to be discovered.

(Source: LeeAnnEdwards; edited by RoseAlma)
For me personally, my great shift in perspective and heart came at a time when my health was deteriorating greatly. The more I swam in my struggles, the more I found myself quietly and peacefully observing the outside world, and noticing the tenderness, humanity, and love within it. Looking outside slowly helped me find strength inside.

I also stumbled upon a beautiful book by Richard Bach called One. It opened my eyes to the fact that all beings are connected. And personally, realizing this truth helped me refocus my life on love - inspiring me to love everyone and everything in the world around me. Once I started to let love in fully, I slowly found it easier and easier to let go of what held me back in life: grudges old and new, heartaches, personal mistakes, negative thoughts, and certain people with whom I may not have seen eye to eye in some way. When I was ready, I internally told myself I no longer needed or wanted each of these things that weighed me down. Though, they were not all at once; and each release was only after I allowed myself to fully experience the emotions tied to it.

For people with whom I had differences or grudges, I made a list for myself and found a way to politely contact each individual. And in contacting them, I briefly but sincerely said that though they may not recall or understand, I wanted to release them from all upset in my heart. And that I genuinely wished them well. Some responded, some did not. But either way, it is perfectly fine. Because the ultimate point is to clear away the negativity and put forth love. And not because we have to, but because we want to.

This practice of identifying and releasing what does not serve us will continue on in life. But always know it is healthy and natural. As long as we continue to work towards being positive and loving, we will experience a brighter and more love-filled life. We are all in this together, and we are all one. Take strength in knowing you are never alone. And remember the love around you and within you.

I hope this helps in some small way, dear Erin.
And anyone else who may need help letting go.
My love is with you always.

Monday, September 10, 2012

the meditation journey

(Source: RumiQuotes; edited by RoseAlma)
Fifty-seven days ago, I began a new journey in my life: the path of meditation. It is something I have been promising myself I would commit to since my time in college (about four years ago). The past year I have been reading up on the practice with the help of wonderful books like Steve Hagen's Meditation: Now or Never, which I greatly enjoyed. But I still struggled with beginning. Then in July, fate brought me where I needed to be. While online one day, I stumbled upon a worldwide event that was about to begin: Deepak Chopra's free "21-Day Meditation Challenge: Free to Love." I immediately joined, eager to break past the personal barriers that kept me from beginning on my own. And though it was a challenge to stay committed to the daily regimen in the first week, by the second I was thirsty for more. Now every time I sit in silence, I understand a little bit more about myself, and about the world. And each day is a chance to renew the love inside me.

Some days I am so moved by what I experience in meditation that I journal about it briefly for a minute after my session. I would like to share these writings with you. Here is the first:
♥ Aug. 8, 2012 --- I became a river - the water within. Thoughts, things passed over me, through me. But all the while I am there, I am flowing, I am clear. My skin's nearly vibrating, a peaceful electricity.
Have you ever meditated, or thought about meditating? What was it like for you?
If you haven't tried it, what do you think may be holding you back?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

hearts and minds

"What we habitually react to is not reality, 
but our take on reality. 
It's within our own hearts and minds 
where our problems are created. 
And it's within our own hearts and minds 
that we can find freedom."

Steve Hagen

Friday, June 1, 2012

the whole world

(Source: FeliciaMarshall; edited by RoseAlma)
"Even if you are the only person in the room, you are anything but isolated. You are sitting on a cushion or chair that someone else made, which is on a floor that other people built. There's the sound of the bird chirping outside. There's the low sunlight dancing on the wall. There's the fresh breeze streaming through the window. There's the whole world right here."

Steve Hagen

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Man on Fire"

Beautiful music for you, from Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.
A song bursting with genuine joy and love. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

enlightened moments

Hello beautiful people. 

I would like to start a new series of posts today.
I recently discovered a television series called "Enlightened."
And it shares some beautiful ponderings and truths.
So I will dedicate a post to each episode, and share the love-filled words.

the first:

               "I'm speaking with my true voice now. Without bitterness, or fear.
               And I'm here to tell you, you can walk out of hell, and into the light.
               You can wake up to your higher self.

               And when you do, the world is suddenly full of possibility, of wonder and deep connection.
               You can be patient, and you can be kind. You can be wise, and almost whole.

               You don't have to run away from life your whole life. You can really live.
               You can change. And you can be an agent of change.

               I will not run away from life my whole life. I will try to really live.
               I will be mindful, I will be wise. I will change. And I will be an agent of change."

Change is healthy, change is true.
Let us change, and be agents of change. Together. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

name your love

("Blooming heart" original painting by RoseAlma)

Dearest people,
What do you love?

Thursday, March 29, 2012


"Strength does not come from physical capacity. 
It comes from an indomitable will."
Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I am here.

I am here, dear readers, even though things have been quieter.
But I have a question for you today...
Where are you? 
In life, in love, in this moment... any of it, all of it. 
Tell me, tell us, tell the universe. 
We care. And love you.

If you choose to share, I thank you.
If not, perhaps another time. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

present thought

"Above all, the only thing 
you have to heal 
is the present thought. 
Get that right and 
the whole picture will change 
into one of harmony and joy."

Eckhart Tolle

Friday, March 2, 2012

Loveful, Thoughtful Friday

We have not been receiving questions or quotes from readers lately. (Which I do encourage anyone and everyone to feel free to participate in. Nothing is too serious or taboo to talk about, and I am always here: But in this quieter period, even though people may not be speaking up or asking for help, I would like to offer my love and energy. As an expression of my endless love and sincerest appreciation for all of you beautiful souls in the world, I wish to share this lovely poem by one of my favorites, E. E. Cummings. It is for all who read this, and all who may never read my words. I love you.

(Source: EarthandMe, edited by RoseAlma)

I love you much (most beautiful darling)
more than anyone on the earth
and I like you better than everything in the sky.
- sunlight and singing welcome your coming
although winter may be everywhere
with such a silence and such a darkness
no one can quite begin to guess
(except my life) the true time of year -
and if what calls itself a world should have
the luck to hear such singing (or glimpse such
sunlight which will leap higher than high
through gayer than gayest someone's heart at your
each nearness) everyone certainly would
(my most beautiful darling) believe in nothing but love.

It may read as though these beautiful words were meant for one, and you may think me odd for offering them to all souls - surely how can an individual feel such sincere closeness to everyone?
But what you must remember: we are one.

Peace and love, sweet people of the world. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

finding strength

(Source: WorldofDiscovery, edited by RoseAlma)

"At that time of darkness, 
can be your greatest hour."

Nathan Wood, Film Entrepreneur

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

a translation

The following is a translation that I found of the sanskrit word "namaste."
It's explanation is beautiful, full of truth, and perfectly suited to our love-filled community. 

(Source: nirvikalpa)
My soul recognizes your soul. I honour the light, love, beauty, truth, and kindness in you because it is also within me. In sharing these things, there is no distance and no difference between us. We are the same, we are one.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Music Monday

The music I bring to you today is quite lengthy. But give it a chance, sweet readers. Even a minute will have you enraptured. The sights and the sounds are harmonizing and beautifully hypnotizing. Experiencing it is almost a small transcendence of the soul. 

Everyday is beautiful. Today is beautiful. This moment is beautiful. You are beautiful. I love you, and all that is.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nothing is too small.

(Source: JoyHey, edited by RoseAlma)

"Do not consider any act 
of kindness insignificant, 
even meeting your brother 
with a cheerful face."

Muhammad, founder of Islam

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

the sanctuary within

This past Thursday, I had a hard decision to make.

I visited doctors three hours away from my home, at Vanderbilt University. I am presently in the process of trying to be double-listed with them for my double-lung transplant. And the doctors announced to me that in order to list with them, the next time (and every time) I am sick, I must come to their hospital and stay under their care. They were hesitant to list me otherwise. But agreeing to this would mean that I would be away from my entire family (except for my sweet mother, the only person free to stay with me for the duration).

Perhaps this wouldn't seem like a huge dilemma for some, as it didn't seem like a large problem to my doctors. But as my dear mother so beautifully explained to my doctors: I am not a religious person per se; I am a spiritual being, and my strength in life comes from family and love. And suddenly, they were saying that I cannot have those things, when I am at my weakest. It was a very difficult decision to make: give up my support system, or give up my new chance for lungs.

I took the hard road and agreed, even with my fear against myself and being alone to face the darkness.
But I think this quote below illustrates quite well the mindset that just may save my spirit, and my life:

"Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except yourself."
Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha

All that I need to survive already lives within me. All that I need to be happy already lives within me.
And I am never without love. We are never without love.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Music Monday!

Today's music is a sweet tune by the band Whitley. Enjoy. 

a beautiful journey

The following is a trailer for a documentary entitled "Big Easy Express."
This film looks like a beautiful expression of love, joy, and life. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

a way back to brightness

"I grew up with more [privileges] than most people and with a lack of a certain kind of suffering that, in some people, signifies true living and experience. So I became self-destructive. But that attitude isn't sustainable, so I found my way back to brightness and more constructive ways to live. Both are reactions to the same thing: death. It's like we're confronted with a [messed-up] world and the refusal to lose hope is the only way to prevail over the pessimism and sarcasm. And from the refusal to lose hope comes the desire to build something else."

Alexander Ebert (1978-), American singer-songwriter
(Image Source: GuyEppel, edited by RoseAlma)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Love lives beyond death.

On Monday I learned some sad information... the lovely woman from my childhood that I mentioned in the post Every Moment Matters passed away this Sunday. Since December she was making progress in rehabilitation, and there was hope. But after complications with a bloodclot, she eventually became dependent on life support. Her loving family, having watched her pain for so long, made the difficult decision to end her suffering.

Though I shed tears for this beautiful woman gone from our world, and for her dear family that must begin a life without her, I also know - as we must all come to know - that she is never truly gone. Her love lives on through her memories shared and legacy created and friendship made. This woman's existence was a gift to the world, as is all existence. And her precious gift does not end with her passing. True love lives throughout all time.

Dearest L.A.K., you are love and you are loved.
In the meantime, while our hearts transition to this new phase of life (as they do for all of us when facing life after tragedy or darkness), we must allow our inner selves to heal. Tears are healthy and deserve their time. So let us all remember this thought, a loving insight exchanged between my sweet father and I after my first significant heartache: "Allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel." 

And in the end, we will all come out stronger and more full of love. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

me, you, and everything

(Source: IslandGirl, edited by RoseAlma)

"Touch the peace that comes when you know you're a part of everything, and everything is part of you."
Deepak Chopra

Friday, January 27, 2012

A reminder of love

Hello beautiful beings. 

I want to sincerely and lovingly remind all of you that I am always here. Whether you want to ask questions, share quotes, tell stories, or simply seek a friend. We have the usual tradition of "Loveful, Thoughtful Fridays" in which I share with all our readers the messages I have gotten (minus last names), and the love I have to offer those who wrote them. I encourage anyone and everyone to write. We all have something inside us to share. And there is never judgment, only love.

I am always here:

Infinite peace and love.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for an inner feeling of sunshine despite the grey skies and rain: I did my monthly grocery shopping, and as oppose to last month, I felt less tired and more energized afterward. A sign that perhaps my recent indoor biking is helping my lungs and endurance a bit.
For this, I am so joyful and grateful.

Dear Readers, please share what you are thankful for. 

(Image Source: MrxStitch, edited by RoseAlma)

love for all humanity, for all of existence

"Through my love for you, 
I want to express my love 
for the whole cosmos, 
the whole of humanity, 
and all beings. 
By living with you, 
I want to learn to love 
everyone and all species. 
If I succeed in loving you, 
I will be able to love everyone 
and all species on earth... 
This is the real message of love."

Thich Nhat Hanh (1926-),
Vietnamese Buddhist monk, writer, peace activist

(Image Source: NiteSkyGirl, edited by RoseAlma)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday

(Image Source: TravelingBlind, edited by RoseAlma)

Today I am thankful for a beautiful day outside the house. The entire day spent with my loved one: getting hair trimmed at a lovely salon, eating tofu salad at a veggie-friendly restaurant, and sipping on a warm tea in a downtown coffeeshop. The sun even peeked through the clouds. Nothing more rewarding or pleasing than a beautiful gold-colored sunset at the end of an active day. I am grateful for the gift that was today. I haven't felt so normal or active or social in quite some time.

Sweet readers, please share the beautiful things (big or small) that you are thankful for. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

my love for you

Another message from my personal sticker art collection. 
(The introduction to them can be found here.)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Refrain from all that is divisive 
and contentious... do what 
promotes harmony and unity."
Steve Hagen

(Image Source: aCelebrationofWomen, edited by RoseAlma)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

open, endless, flowing

"I have often dreamed that I was in a house, a house that I had once lived in, or the house that I was then living in, or a house I was about to move into, and in my dream I discover that there are more rooms in the house than I knew were there. It is quite marvelous to discover all these new rooms and quite incredible that I never realized they were there, when, of course, they were there all along. It gives me a sense of expanding possibility, as when hiking down a narrow ravine to a creek at the bottom, when the creek becomes an estuary which gets wider and wider until suddenly it opens out into the wide sea. There is great joy in arriving there. I have been there, and made a fire on the rocks. The sea roars, and under my feet the round red stones are wet... So it is in my dream -- the house opens up, generous and endless. These dreams are so real, that for a few moments after I wake, I can still believe them."
(Sherril Jaffe, professor and writer)

(Image Source:, edited by RoseAlma)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday

(Source: Vanderbilt, edited by RoseAlma)
I have so much to be grateful for today. I just returned home from a three-day visit to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. I was there being evaluated for double-lung transplant. (I am already listed at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, but I am trying to be double-listed at Vanderbilt.)

I am so thankful for my beautiful parents and the infinite strength and love they give me in such times. I am thankful for my sweet fiance, who was able to get time off work and be by my side. I am thankful for all the incredible technicians, nurses, doctors, and staff at Vanderbilt, who treated me with gentleness, respect, and sincere kindness. I am thankful all the evaluation tests went smoothly and that, so far, things are looking good. I am thankful to have returned home, safe and sound, despite traffic and a snowstorm. And I am immensely thankful for the love that lives in my heart - before, during, and after this experience. It is fueled by my endlessly loving family, my incredibly supportive friends, and the infinitely beautiful strangers in the world around me. 

What are you grateful for, dear people? I have missed you all.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Music Monday!

Today's musical treat is an informal acoustic cover of "Stand By Me" by Jade Castrinos.
It is a rather unique and beautiful rendition of a wonderfully classic song. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

a realization

  (Source: Behance, edited by RoseAlma

"When I find myself reacting
with anger or opposition 
to any person or circumstance, 
I will realize that I'm only
struggling with myself."

Deepak Chopra

Saturday, January 7, 2012

We are all one.

"Just as a man shudders with horror when he steps upon a serpent, 
but laughs when he looks down and sees that it is only a rope, 
so I discovered one day that what I was calling 'I' cannot be found,
and all fear and anxiety vanished with my mistake."
Buddha/Siddhartha Gautama
(Source: DaughterNumberThree, edited by RoseAlma)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Loveful, Thoughtful Friday

Hello beautiful ones. 

This Friday we return to our "Loveful, Thoughtful" post. A beautiful reader wrote to me a while back asking for loving thoughts, and I want to express my apologies for delaying in my response. Time can get away from us. Nevertheless, I hope to offer some ounce of love to this beautiful soul.

They have identified themselves as "Big Nugget" and here is what they shared:
Dear Rosie, I have complications when it comes to my future. Currently I am in college and I do not know what I am going to do with my life. Everyone keeps on telling me that I will eventually know; the problem is that I have been hearing this since high school. I have no interest in science, math, theater. The only thing I think that I might like is English, but only because I like to read. I try to write, and at times I am successful, but other times because of school and work I don't have time and end up forgetting about writing for long periods of time. In class, I feel pressure because everyone around me seems to know way more than I do, and I am afraid I am going down the wrong path and I do not know what to do. I graduate soon, and I feel that I will not impress anyone at job interviews, including myself. I used to be an optimist, but as time continues on, as people yell at me at my current job and make me feel crappy about myself in school, I fear that I may turn into a pessimist. And I don't want that for myself. Like you I believe in love, happiness, and spreading kindness around the world. For without it, then there is no joy in living. Any suggestions about what I should do?
BN, you are a beautiful being and I appreciate you sharing your worries. Your concerns are most legitimate.
But there are also essential truths that you are allowing yourself to forget with the coming of these worries:

  • You should only do what you are most passionate about. Life is too short to waste it doing what others want of you, or what will make you wealthy or successful. If you haven't discovered what that passion is for you yet, do not be troubled. What you need is to explore further. Your passion is out there, waiting for you to find it. Try new experiences and it will increase your chances. Some of the greatest ways to explore inwardly and outwardly:
                    ♥ travel (if possible) 
                    ♥ volunteering (anywhere that interests you; animal shelters, schools, community farms)
                    ♥ hobbies (painting, singing, crafts, dancing; anything you might like to try, even once)
  • No one can take away your inner light but you. I understand our society and our world can be full of negativity and harshness at times. People around us can weigh us down, or rough circumstances can steal away our smiles. But ultimately, how we live through the darkness and respond to it is entirely up to us. Our sunshine can go on forever if we choose to let it. Once we acknowledge that life comes in waves (being both rewarding and challenging), and we resolve to love all, then nothing can steal away the light we have inside. Let your love shine, my beautiful one. No one can dampen that love without your consent.

My sincerest love goes out to you. Follow the light and love in your heart, always.

Infinite peace and love. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday

(Source: SocialDesigner, edited by RoseAlma)

Today I awoke to blue sky and sunshine. The back patio welcomed me with its sunbeams, and I sat sipping my steamy morning chai. My cup and robe kept me warm in the beautiful crisp air. A certain loved one joined me, and along with his love brought warm conversation. A continuation, it felt almost, of our stimulating discussion the night before. It was the kind of conversation that involves sharing ideas, sometimes opposing ones, and that ends with new understanding and a deeper sense of love.

For all of these beautiful things, I am tremendously grateful.
May we all remember to soak up each moment.

my love for you

A little over a year ago I started creating personal sticker art (which is technically a form of graffiti). I was inspired to try it by a friend and fellow artist. It seemed like an interesting way to deliver my love to strangers - the beings who might happen upon these messages, wherever I left them. Though "graffiti" is loaded with negative connotations, I found it acceptable to do as long as I followed two rules: every message must be genuine and loving; and they can only be placed on manmade objects. (I wish to cause no harm to the earth.) So on occasion, I will share these messages with you. My dear readers. Here is the first:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Everything's the same, even if it's different.

"You're looking at what is called a book. 
You conceive of it as separate from other things. 
However, it's intimately connected with everything 
else in the universe... This book is not merely this book, 
it is the sun as well. If not for the sun, trees would not 
grow to produce the pulp to make the paper. 
And we cannot forget Ts'ai Lun, who invented paper 
in the second century, or Johann Gutenberg, who found a way to apply movable type to a printing press in the fifteenth century. And intermixed with the trees 
and the sun and creative human minds are other things. We cannot ignore language, time, soil, plants, animals, emotions, or thoughts. We cannot forget the rain, or even the stars, or the galaxies of stars. Indeed, 
there is nothing we can point to, or even imagine, 
that does not find its way into this book."
(Steve Hagen)

(Image Source:, edited by RoseAlma)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

the illusion of Good and Bad

Nothing in this world is truly good or bad. 
And the things that we perceive as "good" and "bad" are in all of us. 
Our lives and our world exist in flux, or constant change. The best we can do is to see
To look and observe without judgment. And offer everything around us endless love.

 (Image Source: MindMirror, edited by RoseAlma)