Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday

(Image Source: TravelingBlind, edited by RoseAlma)

Today I am thankful for a beautiful day outside the house. The entire day spent with my loved one: getting hair trimmed at a lovely salon, eating tofu salad at a veggie-friendly restaurant, and sipping on a warm tea in a downtown coffeeshop. The sun even peeked through the clouds. Nothing more rewarding or pleasing than a beautiful gold-colored sunset at the end of an active day. I am grateful for the gift that was today. I haven't felt so normal or active or social in quite some time.

Sweet readers, please share the beautiful things (big or small) that you are thankful for. 


  1. I am grateful that my wife has stayed with me throughout all the years we've been married, and for being alive. Secondly, I am grateful when some people's eyes have become opened in realizing that discrimination is not the right kind of conduct to have. Thirdly, I'm grateful when some people realize that no one is better than anyone else. Fourthly, I'm grateful when some people realize that hate is not the answer, and can have love in their hearts no matter who another person is or what they believe in. I'm not saying that I love the misconduct that a person does though, but I can still have love in my heart for that particular individual regardless. Fifthly, I'm grateful if anyone finds what's on the blog that I have as of any importance. And sixthly, I'm grateful when people are willing to converse with me.

  2. Thank you greatly and sincerely for sharing such deep gratitude. You speak of very important, meaningful things - things we can all relate to and be grateful for. I truly appreciate you bringing them to light, and sharing them with us all. Please feel free to continue sharing such beautiful insights in the future.

    Much peace and love.


Please feel free to share comments, questions, insight, knowledge, and love. All is welcome here.