Saturday, March 24, 2012

I am here.

I am here, dear readers, even though things have been quieter.
But I have a question for you today...
Where are you? 
In life, in love, in this moment... any of it, all of it. 
Tell me, tell us, tell the universe. 
We care. And love you.

If you choose to share, I thank you.
If not, perhaps another time. 


  1. Hello Rose Alma,
    I'm so glad that you are here!!!

    And if you're wondering where I am? Right here leaving this comment for you.

    Much peace, happiness, and love to you!

  2. Hello dear friend. :)
    Thank you so very much for writing in.
    It is always lovely to read your thoughtful words.
    Your regular visits mean a great deal.

    Peace and love to you.


Please feel free to share comments, questions, insight, knowledge, and love. All is welcome here.