Friday, June 21, 2013

26 Acts of Kindness: #12

Name: Sue
Location: Unknown

"Broke a rule today and let a family bring in a very ill patient's cute fuzzy white little dog to visit her.. She signed up with Hospice today and I'm not sue she'll make it home to see her little pup again.. She could barely speak or open her eyes, but you could tell she knew her dog was there"

I am an LPN at a local hospital and over the weekend my patient's family had come to the realization that she was near the end of her beautiful life. She had been ill for a few months and we had done all we could medically, so they had chosen Hospice and to make her as comfortable as possible. They asked me if they could possibly get her into a wheelchair and take outside to visit with her dog which she loved very much. I explained to them that she probably couldn't tolerate being in a wheelchair due to her condition, but if they could bring the dog up and we would sneak it in her room for a visit, that nobody would be the later that day they brought in this adorable white poodle. i walked in and both the dog and my patient were comforted as her dog snuggled on the bed next to her.. It was a touching sight. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

Thank you for sharing, Sue!

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