Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I am here with a loving heart.

Hello beautiful world.

I am embarking on a new experience here. Feeling inspired by the strides that a former schoolmate is making to help others (in her case and career: college students), I realized today that I myself have been experiencing a growing yearning within. A deep and genuine desire to reach out to other beautiful souls. People who need or want someone to talk to, or those who need an ounce more of love in their every day life. And I have so much love to give. I want to give it to you.

I understand that before accepting love from someone, you need to trust them. Relate to them. Know them. You need to feel a connection. So I will happily share about the person I am, and what brought me to this peak of love, this gift I lay before you.

My name is Rosie, and I am 24-years-old. Raised in a very large and loving family, I was fortunate to always be surrounded by warmth and laughter. After four years of university, I graduated with an Undergraduate degree in Education. My dream was always to teach preschool. For the last three years, however, my career has been postponed. And perhaps it is gone forever. The reason being, I also face health challenges: I was born with a genetic lung disease, Cystic Fibrosis (CF). And after graduating, my lungs began to decline.

I am now on the list for a double-lung transplant. And every day is beautiful.

I have known for over a year that this was my fate. And I have had many dark moments because of it. But through the darkness, one thing has always helped me to rise above.


And now, though my health is just as unstable and my fate more uncertain every day, my spirit and heart is stronger than ever. I feel love in the faces of my family, friends, and strangers. I feel love in the wind and the trees and the setting sun. I feel love in the grass beneath my feet and the sound of my nephews' laughs and the touch of my loved one's hand. I feel love in everything. Especially the brief moments that I share with new beautiful strangers. Every hello, every smile, could change the course of someone's day. And I thrive on those everyday beauties.

Aside from being a Peaceful Warrior fighting the battle for my life, I am also a lover of the arts. I'm a poet, a filmmaker, a cook, a beginning painter, graffiti artist, amateur photographer, a musician, and a designer of recycled-paper greeting cards. I love creating, and I love being able to infuse my emotions and love into my work.

So now that you know me more, I ask you... Will you accept my offer of love?

Here is what I propose:

I will be here --> we.are.one@inbox.com
And you email me a question you have, or a concern, or just a pondering about life. Perhaps it's something you feel too shy or embarrassed to ask others, or too scared to ask yourself. Or perhaps you just needed a loving awakening to realize that someone out there cares for you, even if we've never met.
So write me, and I will write or video back. :)

You are loved, and I plan to show you that.

In the meantime, I will share quotes and videos and photos of all things love.
There are so many sources of love in the world, if only we will keep our eyes and hearts open to them.

'Til we meet again, my beautiful ones.
Peace and love to you.


  1. If we are so loved, why does the universe have such a hard time showing it?
    Or if it's just "that we don't see it right in front of us" then why set it up for "an enlightened few" to see it?

  2. Dear Anonymous, you ask very thoughtful questions, and I appreciate you expressing them. In regards to the universe showing its love for us, it does so all the time. Through unexpected events, beautiful strangers we meet, animals and nature all around, and so many other beautiful things. That's not to say there isn't hardship, tragedy, or sorrow. All those elements are very real too. But those darker moments are when love shines through the most. Because in times of darkness and sadness, we are torn down to our core selves. We are open, vulnerable, perhaps even numb. And though these feelings are nearly unbearable in the moment, being in this state allows us to see the world in a new, more honest way. We are at the base of ourselves, and so we are drawn to the act of observing all that is around us - just taking it all in because we do not know what else to do when we feel so bare. But this is good. Because we will see the little beauties, the traces of love, that perhaps we would have missed before we were stripped down emotionally.

    So whether in peace or in distress, we can find the love around us. Love, and the knowledge of love's existence, is NOT just for 'an enlightened few.' Love is for ALL. Seeing and feeling love's existence is possible for anyone and everyone. We only need to give it time and patience in revealing itself.

    Something that I personally find helps to increase my feeling of love: rather than focusing on how much love I am receiving (whether from family, friends, a significant other, or the universe in general), I try to focus on the love I can give. To those I hold close, to strangers I meet, to the nature and existence and whole world around me. I try to treat all of existence with love and compassion. And I find, ultimately, that projecting love outwardly returns an unimaginable wealth of love to its original source: i.e. you or I.

    I hope this helped, dear Anonymous being.
    I wish you all the love in my heart.
    Rosie ♥

  3. Dear Rosie,
    I feel lost and alone and as if I am drowning. I know I am loved, but struggle with the challenges that life lay ahead of me. I am not selfish, nor do I seek to complain...but I am unsure of the next step. I desire to help loved ones and grow individually, but again feel un sure. Hugs and love to you always


Please feel free to share comments, questions, insight, knowledge, and love. All is welcome here.